Do You Have the Perfect Combination to Achieve a Healthy Lifestyle?

Do You Have the Perfect Combination to Achieve a Healthy Lifestyle?

What’s Up Beautiful People! Thanks for visiting DrxJoy Your Prescription For Total Wellness Blog!

We have an interesting post on Exercise …yes, the “E” word! Practical advice you can use TODAY…before you read this make sure you take three deep breaths: Clear your mind….



INHALE……….EXHALE (How do your feel?) I feel great!

Hundreds of Thousands of Americans spend millions of dollars each year on diet pills, “magical” exercise devices, and misrepresented health and fitness products, when in actuality a consistent exercise regime and balanced nutritional program is all you need to get in better shape.
WHY Consistent Exercise and Balanced Nutrition?

FACT: In America today – obesity related health conditions account for more deaths in the United States each year than all known forms of cancer COMBINED. Heart Disease alone is the number one killer of American adults, and it is a PREVENTABLE CONDITION! Approximately, 64% of Americans are overweight. That is almost two-thirds of the population. (Source: Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, National Vital Statistics Report)

Consistent Exercise…….

If losing unwanted fat, toning up, and preparing to remain independent in the later stages in life are your goals, exercise, in addition to balanced nutrition including proper supplementation is paramount. If you have balanced nutrition without exercising, you will lose a combination of fat and muscle. Building or maintaining muscle through exercise will increase your body’s lean muscle tissue and result in a higher metabolic rate….you naturally burn more calories – even when resting!

Exercise will improve your mental and emotional health by reducing stress, increasing energy and improving sleep.

Below is a basic exercise program and tips to remember:

1) Obtain physician clearance prior to beginning any exercise program.

2) Recommended: 30-45 minutes of activity and increase up to 60 minutes per day – 3 times per week

3) Variety and Avoiding Weight Loss and Fitness Plateaus: the body adapts after 4-6 weeks, so mix it up

Change the mode of exercise
Change the speed and intensity (incorporate inclines and/or intervals)
Change the length of time (do a circuit using 2-3 different cardio machines)
Try a Group Exercise Class.

4) To avoid injury, make sure you warm up, stretch before strength/weight/cardiovascular training and cool down and stretch after.

Weight/Strength Training – increase energy levels, reducing body fat, increasing bone density – muscles will burn more calories
Cardiovascular Training – help your cardio-respiratory system function more effectively

5) Stay well hydrated – Drink Plenty of Water! Water is the ONLY thing that flushes fat from the body. Rule of thumb is to consume half your weight in ounces (not to exceed 128 ounces to maintain adequate electrolyte levels) – Example: if your weight is 150 pounds, you should consume 75 ounces of water daily. Water helps your body rid itself of broken-down fat and unwanted toxins. Note: soda, tea or coffee are not water and are not beneficial for fat elimination.

6)Practice safety measures ALWAYS!

7) Listen to your body! Do not continue to exercise with an injury!

Now that we have the exercise program down, let’s move to the nutrition program….

Balanced Nutrition…..

Temporary eating changes will only create temporary weight loss results. The goal is to rebuild lean muscle mass while eliminating fat. Since it muscle weighs two times more than fat, it is possible for you to see a substantial inch loss and re-sculpting of your body even when the scale remains the same.

The following steps make weight loss more effective:

1) Portion Control! Stop Dieting and eat realistically – Quality sources and reasonable portions of complex carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, and lean sources of protein. Do not make drastic food changes that cannot be maintained long-term. Minimize sweets, fried foods, empty calorie snacks.

2) Food Rotation. Rotate all foods every 24 hours. If chicken is eating on Monday avoid it on Tuesday.

3)Water, Water, Water! As mentioned earlier, daily water consumption is the only liquid that will flush fats out of the body.

4) Food Trading. Many food alternatives high in protein or low in fat calories can be substituted for food containing less desirable characteristics Some suggestions, grate your cheese, do not slice it. Eat fat-free pretzels instead of chips. Eat whole grains and avoid white starches; a sweet potato is better than a white potato, wild or brown rice is better than white rice.

5) Do Not Deny Yourself. This is probably the most important step. No matter what food is craved, do include a serving or two in your meal planning for the week, remember portion size is very important. Keeping it real…it is human nature to eventually binge on those items we try to completely avoid until we have satisfied the body’s craving.


Keeping it Real: consistent exercise and a balanced nutrition program are necessary for ALL people, for their ENTIRE lives….to help defy the aging process!

Personally, my goal is to remain active, healthy and independent for a long time. What about you? I encourage you to lean towards achieving optimal health! It is ALL about YOU!


Be Blessed, Stay Healthy!

See ya!

Dr. Joy

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Wednesdays: 11:30 am EST; Thursdays: 6:00 pm EST; Sundays: 8:00am EST

It will air on your TV, however you can catch the same episodes via via live stream….set your timepiece, make sure it has the correct time zone, and get your internet connection. The shows for 2013 are off the chain and full of valuable information for ALL!

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