How Much “Pure” Water Do You Drink Daily????

How Much “Pure” Water Do You Drink Daily????

What’s Up beautiful people!  Thanks for visiting DrxJoy Your Prescription For Total Wellness Blog!

We have an interesting article on Water and Our Body…full of practical advice you can use TODAY…before you read this make sure you take three deep breaths:



INHALE……….EXHALE  (How do your feel?) I feel great!


How much “pure “ water do you drink daily?  “Pure “ means NO additives, I am Serious…..this includes all flavorings, lemon, tea bags, coffee, lime, and sugar …yep I said sugar, stay away for sure!

Whenever I ask this question, folks often reply with none, or the right amount 64oz, or some other amount in between.  Wrongggg, the correct answer depends on YOU! your weight, your activity level, your environment, what YOU eat…It all about YOU!  So YOUR proper amount will differ from your sister, brother, aunt, daughter, son, mother, father, friends…you get the point.

Here is YOUR personal daily water calculation:  Take your weight and divide by two (2) (in ounces).

Simple math calculation example: If your weight is 150lbs, divide by two (2) …drum roll….the answer is 75 oz. This is the minimum number of ounces of “pure” water you should consume daily for your body to perform at an “optimal” level.  Sounds daunting… not to worry here are some tips to get that water into your system.  Ready…Going back to the example 75 oz equals five (5) 16.9 oz bottles of H2O!!  Now, if you participate in strenuous activity, subjected to the sun, wind, or high elevation, increase your daily water consumption to prevent dehydration.  DO NOT exceed 128oz of water per day as it is very important for our bodies NOT to consume too much water….this could lead to water intoxication which may be detrimental to YOUR health.  Another common question: HOT or Your Body Temperature or COLD ??? Hummm, we want to avoid extreme temperatures to prevent shocking the stomach ,which will hinder the digestive process, soooo the answer is – Your Body Temperature!

Ok, Ok, here are the tips for getting YOUR water into YOUR system:

Tip 1: Divide YOUR amount by 4. Why??? Because you will want to consume water four (4) times during the day to aid with YOUR digestive process.  Here are your four (4) times:

–               30 minutes prior to breakfast (You all better have breakfast in the morning)

–               30 minutes prior to lunch

–               30 minutes prior to dinner

–               Beginning, during, and after your workout!  Not so fast, if you alternate workout days, then drink the water at the same time as if you were working out.  Get It in!

Tip 2: Drink your water with a straw for ease of swallowing. Hey if you can chug a bottle Go For It! If not, use a straw.

Tip 3: I know I know You are soooo busy…but you don’t want to forget to get YOUR water, soooo set your alarm (buzz vibrate should suffice) for the four (4) time periods during the day.

You know the old saying, “If you do something for 28 days it becomes a habit” ..So Drink Up!!!

Be Blessed, Stay Healthy!

See ya!

Dr. Joy

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