Make STRESS SO Yesterday!!!

What’s Up beautiful people!Thanks for visiting DrxJoy Your Prescription For Total Wellness Blog!

We have an interesting article on Reducing Stress…full of practical advice you can use TODAY…before you read this make sure you take three deep breathes:






EXHALE (How do your feel?) I feel great!

Now for some tips on making STRESS So Yesterday!!….

“I’m done. I’m not going to stress over this anymore.”

We declare it everyday, but then the phone rings, the special man in your life does “it” again, your kids’ start working your last nerve, and to top it off, the bills show up in pink envelopes, not in support of breast cancer research, but because they are past due. What do we do? Stress!

Like Nike when it comes to stress, we just do it. Stress is a universal occurrence that affects everyone with a pulse! It affects us physically, mentally, socially and emotionally.While, we all face the same trials and tribulations, our bodies react differently when attacked by stress.The chart below displays the four categories of stress and common symptoms:

Physical Mental Social Emotional
Headaches Confusion Isolation Depression
Backaches Inability to concentrate Sudden Outbursts Anxiety
Insomnia Forgetfulness Reduced Sex Drive Self-Doubt
Tension in Muscles Fatigue Loneliness Frustration

Stress arises in response to our body’s sudden demand for action or change. Some examples of stress prone situations are funerals, college exams, family drama, money troubles, pregnancy, busy schedules, illness, the workplace, buying a home/car, weddings and the list goes on.

There is no way to avoid stress, but here are some tips to help us reduce the amount of stress in our lives.



LOVE YOURSELF Enough to Say NO without feeling guiltyYou are not a superhero
ORGANIZE Use a daily planner to prioritize your tasksThis will give you a sense of control and reduce anxiety
EXERCISE Yes, I said the E word! Walking is great for relieving stress
TREAT YOURSELF Relax: Schedule massages, bubble baths and movie nights
GO to BED Small problems seem gigantic when you’re tired
Chew and Sip Properly Less grease and cheeseMore water and tea
FORGIVE Carrying a grudge requires too much energy, let it go

I invite you to join me in making “Stress SO Yesterday!”


How do you prioritize YOUR tasks? How many hours of PEACEFUL sleep do you get daily? What is YOUR current exercise routine? What do YOU do to RELAX?

Who are the POSITIVE people in YOUR life? How much WATER do YOU drink daily? What do YOU do when you feel STRESSED?

Be Blessed, Stay Healthy!

See ya!

Dr. Joy

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